Google August 2023 Broad Core Update has been rolled out! - How to maintain your website ranking?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Google August 2023 Broad Core Update

Google has released its August broad core algorithm update of 2023 second time this year. The first core update for 2023 was released in March. The August update began rolling out on August 22, 2023, and it was completed on September 7, 2023. According to Google, it took 16 days and 3 hours to completely roll out the updates.

The update is affecting website ranking across the sectors globally for all region and language. However, the idea behind frequent core algorithm updates is to uplift the quality level of Google search results. The updates focus on general improvements that assist Google in ranking websites. Please note that the updates are not permanent and if websites lose their ranking, they will recover it over a time by improving their content quality.

What's new? Let's find out.

Broad core updates are earmarked for some specific changes!

Since the updates are fully rolled out, we can see what changes are happening with websites’ ranking in search engine. We anticipated some of the changes during the rollout process such as:

  • All types of content including blogs, images, videos, etc. will receive some new changes.
  • It might impact Google Discover and featured snippets.
  • The updates will be rewarding for aptly created web pages.
  • Post-update recovery is not guaranteed, constant website improvement is a must.
  • There will be no change in auto suggest.
  • Google also updated its Search Central documentation to note that they are now indexing .csv files.

Post-Google August 2023 broad core update steps!

Improving the website will not immediately change its ranking. Thus, consider continuous quality implementation to maintain website ranking.

  • Be patient while the Core Update rolls out.
  • Focus on content quality and its relevance to reduce fluctuations in ranking because it is one of the prominent factors for your website’s ranking.
  • The website must be simple to use and navigate to improve the user experience so that people will interact more with the website’s content and spend more time exploring the website.
  • Try to build high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites.
  • Websites experiencing a dip in ranking should conduct an audit to know the issue of why pages have lost their positions on search rankings.

What about post-update recovery?

The broad core updates will be released every few months and if a page loses its performance and position in this update, may recover in provided next core updates. Make sure each piece of content is useful to users and incorporates all key elements of EEAT: authority, experience, expertise, and trustworthiness. Review the quality, relevance, freshness (when applicable), and authoritativeness of each piece.

Google constantly updates the search algorithms, but since those changes include smaller updates, they don’t announce them. Even in the last core updates, websites saw SERP volatility. Ranking fluctuations are the most seen occurrence. Maybe the first-week post update will be more volatile in terms of website performance on search engines and then in a few days, the updates will settle down.

This is just a conjecture; it might or might not happen. Maybe websites won’t face any negative impact or to your surprise, the website will show positive results. Thus, optimize the website continuously and keep checking Google’s notifications on new tweaks in algorithms.

Wrapping up

Unlike previous updates, these current updates are completely inclined to how Google reviews a website. So, if your website is affected by August 2023 broad core updates, there are chances that some other website has more valuable information than yours. It is crucial to understand the reason behind the drop in rankings. Follow the Google algorithms including E-E-A-T with a blend of page experience improvements; and never miss any notification on core updates. It will help websites to maintain online visibility.

If you think you have been impacted by the latest Google Core Updates, our dedicated SEO team will help you to identify and helping to limit the potential negative impact of core updates. We provide comprehensive search engine optimization services , including SEO audit, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, local SEO, international SEO, custom analytics, and more. Get in touch with us at [email protected] or submit the following request free quote form to know more.